OpenAPI Queries List

This page contains all queries from OpenAPI.

Query Severity Category Description Help
Cleartext API Key In Operation Security
High Access Control API Keys should not be sent as cleartext over an unencrypted channel Documentation
Field 'securityScheme' On Components Is Undefined
High Access Control Components' securityScheme field must have a valid scheme Documentation
Global Security Field Is Undefined
High Access Control Global security field should be defined to prevent API to have insecure paths and have this rules defined on securitySchemes Documentation
Global Security Field Has An Empty Array
High Access Control Security object need to have defined rules in its array and rules should be defined on securityScheme Documentation
Security Field On Operations Has An Empty Object Definition
High Access Control Security object for operations should not be empty object or has any empty object definition Documentation
No Global And Operation Security Defined
High Access Control All paths should have security scheme, if it is omitted, global security field should be defined Documentation
Global security field has an empty object
High Access Control Global security definition must not have empty objects Documentation
Cleartext Credentials With Basic Authentication For Operation
High Access Control Cleartext credentials over unencrypted channel should not be accepted for the operation Documentation
Security Field On Operations Has An Empty Array
High Access Control Security object for operations, if defined, must define a security scheme, otherwise it should be considered an error Documentation
Schema Array Items Has No Type
High Insecure Configurations Schema array items type should be defined Documentation
Array Schema Without Maximum Number of Items
High Insecure Configurations Array schema should have the field 'maxItems' set Documentation
Cleartext API Key In Global Security
Medium Access Control API Keys should not be sent as cleartext over an unencrypted channel Documentation
Security Scheme Using HTTP Negotiate
Medium Access Control Security Scheme HTTP should not be using negotiate authentication Documentation
Implicit Flow in OAuth2
Medium Access Control There is a 'securityScheme' using implicit flow on OAuth2, which is deprecated Documentation
Security Scheme HTTP Unknown Scheme
Medium Access Control Security Scheme HTTP scheme should be registered in the IANA Authentication Scheme registry Documentation
Security Scheme Using HTTP Digest
Medium Access Control Security Scheme HTTP should not be using digest authentication Documentation
Security Scheme Using HTTP Basic
Medium Access Control Security Scheme HTTP should not be using basic authentication Documentation
API Key Exposed In Global Security
Medium Access Control API Keys should not be transported over network Documentation
Invalid OAuth2 Authorization URL
Medium Access Control The field authorizationUrl on implicit or authorizationCode fields from OAuth must be a valid URL Documentation
OAuth2 With Password Flow
Medium Access Control OAuth2 password flow insecurely exposes the credentials of the resource owner to the client Documentation
Invalid OAuth2 Token URL
Medium Access Control OAuth2 security scheme flow requires a valid URL in the tokenUrl field Documentation
OAuth2 With Implicit Flow
Medium Access Control OAuth2 implicit flow is vulnerable to access token leakage and access token replay Documentation
Global Server Object Uses HTTP
Medium Encryption Global server object URL should use 'https' protocol instead of 'http' Documentation
Path Server Object Uses HTTP
Medium Encryption The property 'url' in the Path Server Object should only allow 'HTTPS' protocols to ensure an encrypted connection Documentation
JSON Object Schema Without Properties
Medium Insecure Configurations Schema of the JSON object should have properties defined and 'additionalProperties' set to false. Documentation
Schema Object is Empty
Medium Insecure Configurations The Schema Object should not be empty to avoid accepting any JSON values Documentation
Numeric Schema Without Maximum
Medium Insecure Configurations Numeric schema (type set to 'integer' or 'number') should have 'maximum' defined. Documentation
Parameter Object Without Schema
Medium Insecure Configurations The Parameter Object should have the attribute 'schema' defined Documentation
Numeric Schema Without Format
Medium Insecure Configurations Numeric schema (type set to 'integer' or 'number') should have 'format' defined. Documentation
String Schema Without Pattern
Medium Insecure Configurations String schema should have 'pattern' defined. Documentation
String Schema Without Maximum Length
Medium Insecure Configurations String schema should have 'maxLength' defined. Documentation
JSON Object Schema Without Type
Medium Insecure Configurations Schema of the JSON object should have 'type' defined. Documentation
Media Type Object Without Schema
Medium Insecure Configurations The Media Type Object should have the attribute 'schema' defined Documentation
String Schema with Broad Pattern
Medium Insecure Configurations String schema should restrict the pattern Documentation
Numeric Schema Without Minimum
Medium Insecure Configurations Numeric schema (type set to 'integer' or 'number') should have 'minimum' defined. Documentation
Success Response Code Undefined for Trace Operation
Medium Networking and Firewall Trace should define the '200' successful code Documentation
Response on operations that should have a body has undefined schema
Medium Networking and Firewall If a response is not head or its code is not 204 or 304, it should have a schema defined Documentation
Success Response Code Undefined for Post Operation
Medium Networking and Firewall Post should define at least one success response (200, 201, 202 or 204) Documentation
Default Response Undefined On Operations
Medium Networking and Firewall Operations responses should have a default response defined Documentation
Header Object Without Schema
Medium Networking and Firewall The header object should have schema defined Documentation
Response on operations that should not have a body has declared content
Medium Networking and Firewall If a response is head or its code is 204 or 304, it shouldn't have a content defined Documentation
Response Code Missing
Medium Networking and Firewall 500, 429 and 400 responses should be defined for all operations, except head operation. 415 response should be defined for the post, put, and patch operations. 404 response should be defined for the get, put, head, delete operations. 200 response should be defined for options operation. 401 and 403 response should be defined for all operations when the security field is defined. Documentation
Success Response Code Undefined for Delete Operation
Medium Networking and Firewall Delete should define at least one success response (200, 201, 202 or 204) Documentation
Success Response Code Undefined for Put Operation
Medium Networking and Firewall Put should define at least one success response (200, 201, 202 or 204) Documentation
Success Response Code Undefined for Head Operation
Medium Networking and Firewall Head should define at least one success response (200 or 202) Documentation
Success Response Code Undefined for Patch Operation
Medium Networking and Firewall Patch should define at least one success response (200, 201, 202 or 204) Documentation
Success Response Code Undefined for Get Operation
Medium Networking and Firewall Get should define at least one success response (200 or 202) Documentation
API Key Exposed In Operation Security
Low Access Control API Keys should not be transported over network Documentation
Undefined Scope 'securityScheme' On Global 'security' Field
Low Access Control Using an scope on global security field that is undefined on 'securityScheme' can be defined by an attacker Documentation
Security Scheme Using Oauth 1.0
Low Access Control Oauth 1.0 is deprecated, OAuth2 should be used instead Documentation
API Key Exposed In Global Security Scheme
Low Access Control API Keys should not be transported over network Documentation
Global Security Scheme Using Basic Authentication
Low Access Control A security scheme is allowing basic authentication credentials to be transported over network Documentation
Undefined Scope 'securityScheme' On 'security' Field On Operations
Low Access Control Using an scope on security of operations that is undefined on 'securityScheme' can be defined by an attacker Documentation
Schema Invalid Number Format
Low Insecure Configurations Schema numeric types should be valid, for integer must be int32 or int64 and number must be float or double Documentation
Unknown Schema String Format
Low Insecure Configurations String schema should have the format field set as 'date', 'date-time', 'password', 'byte', 'binary', 'email', 'uuid', 'uri', 'hostname', 'ipv4' or 'ipv6' Documentation
Unknown Prefix
Info Best Practices The media type prefix should be set as 'application', 'audio', 'font', 'example', 'image', 'message', 'model', 'multipart', 'text' or 'video' Documentation
Invalid Operation External Documentation URL
Info Best Practices Operation External Documentation URL should be a valid URL Documentation
Header Parameter Named as 'Authorization'
Info Best Practices The header Parameter should not be named as 'Authorization'. If so, it will be ignored. Documentation
Components Parameter Definition Is Unused
Info Best Practices Components parameters definitions should be referenced or removed from Open API definition Documentation
Header Parameter Named as 'Content-Type'
Info Best Practices The header Parameter should not be named as 'Content-Type'. If so, it will be ignored. Documentation
Invalid Media Type Value
Info Best Practices The Media Type value should match the following format: /[+suffix][;parameters] Documentation
Components Example Definition Is Unused
Info Best Practices Components examples definitions should be referenced or removed from Open API definition Documentation
Property 'explode' of Encoding Object Ignored
Info Best Practices Property 'explode' of the encoding object should be defined when the media type of the request body is 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'. If not, it will be ignored. Documentation
Header Response Named as 'Content-Type'
Info Best Practices The Header Response should not be named as 'Content-Type'. If so, it will be ignored. Documentation
Components Link Definition Is Unused
Info Best Practices Components links definitions should be referenced or removed from Open API definition Documentation
Encoding Header 'Content-Type' Improperly Defined
Info Best Practices Encoding Map Key should not define a 'Content-Type' in the 'headers' field. If so, it will be ignored. Documentation
JSON '$ref' alongside other properties
Info Best Practices Each field on Open API specification which accepts '$ref', infers that field is using a reference object, which has only '$ref' key Documentation
Invalid License URL
Info Best Practices License Object URL should be a valid URL Documentation
Property 'allowReserved' of Encoding Object Ignored
Info Best Practices Property 'allowReserved' of the encoding object should be defined when the media type of the request body is 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'. If not, it will be ignored. Documentation
Property 'allowEmptyValue' Ignored
Info Best Practices Property 'allowEmptyValue' is ignored in the following cases: {"sytle": "simple", "explode": false}, {"sytle": "simple", "explode": true}, {"sytle": "spaceDelimited", "explode": false}, {"sytle": "pipeDelimited", "explode": false}, and {"sytle": "deepObject", "explode": true} Documentation
Example Not Compliant With Schema Type
Info Best Practices Examples values and fields should be compliant with the schema type Documentation
Invalid Contact Email
Info Best Practices Contact Object Email should be a valid email Documentation
Components Schema Definition Is Unused
Info Best Practices Components schemas definitions should be referenced or removed from Open API definition Documentation
Property 'style' of Encoding Object Ignored
Info Best Practices Property 'style' of the encoding object should be defined when the media type of the request body is 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'. If not, it will be ignored. Documentation
Components Response Definition Is Unused
Info Best Practices Components responses definitions should be referenced or removed from Open API definition Documentation
Invalid Contact URL
Info Best Practices Contact Object URL should be a valid URL Documentation
Components Callback Definition Is Unused
Info Best Practices Components callbacks definitions should be referenced or removed from Open API definition Documentation
Invalid Tag External Documentation URL
Info Best Practices Tag External Documentation URL should be a valid URL Documentation
Path Without Operation
Info Best Practices Path object should have at least one operation object defined Documentation
Required Property With Default Value
Info Best Practices Required properties receive value from requests, which makes unnecessary declare a default value Documentation
Components Request Body Definition Is Unused
Info Best Practices Components request bodies definitions should be referenced or removed from Open API definition Documentation
Schema Object Using Enum With Keyword
Info Best Practices Schema Object properties should not contain 'enum' and schema keywords Documentation
Components Header Definition Is Unused
Info Best Practices Components headers definitions should be referenced or removed from Open API definition Documentation
Invalid Schema External Documentation URL
Info Best Practices Schema External Documentation URL should be a valid URL Documentation
Header Parameter Named as 'Accept'
Info Best Practices The header Parameter should not be named as 'Accept'. If so, it will be ignored. Documentation
Invalid Global External Documentation URL
Info Best Practices Global External Documentation URL should be a valid URL Documentation
Operation Without Successful HTTP Status Code
Info Best Practices Operation Object should have at least one successful HTTP status code defined Documentation
Security Operation Field Undefined
Info Structure and Semantics Security operation field should be defined in '#/components/securitySchemes' Documentation
Parameter Object With Undefined Type
Info Structure and Semantics A Parameter Object must contain either a 'schema' property, or a 'content' property Documentation
Path Template is Empty
Info Structure and Semantics All path templates should not be empty Documentation
Schema JSON Reference Does Not Exists
Info Structure and Semantics Schema reference should exists on components field Documentation
Empty Array
Info Structure and Semantics All array fields should not be empty Documentation
Property Defining Minimum Greater Than Maximum
Info Structure and Semantics Property defining minimum has greater value than maximum defined Documentation
Request Body Object With Incorrect Media Type
Info Structure and Semantics The field 'content' of the request body object should be set to 'multipart' or 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' when field 'encoding' is set. Documentation
Link Object Incorrect Ref
Info Structure and Semantics Link object reference must always point to '#/components/links' Documentation
Path Is Ambiguous
Info Structure and Semantics All path should be unique, if has more than one operation, all operations should be part of same Path Object Documentation
Schema Has A Required Property Undefined
Info Structure and Semantics Schema Object should not be have a required property that is not defined on properties Documentation
Schema Discriminator Not Required
Info Structure and Semantics The discriminator property in the Schema Object should be a required property Documentation
Example JSON Reference Does Not Exists
Info Structure and Semantics Example reference should exists on components field Documentation
Response JSON Reference Does Not Exists
Info Structure and Semantics Response reference should exists on components field Documentation
Schema Discriminator Mismatch Defined Properties
Info Structure and Semantics Schema discriminator values should match defined properties. Documentation
Response Object With Incorrect Ref
Info Structure and Semantics Response Object reference must always point to '#/components/responses' Documentation
Link Object With Both 'operationId' And 'operationRef'
Info Structure and Semantics Link object 'OperationId' should not have both 'operationId' and 'operationRef' defined since they are mutually exclusive. Documentation
Server Object Variable Not Used
Info Structure and Semantics Every defined Server Variable Object should be used in a Service URL. Documentation
Encoding Map Key Mismatch Schema Defined Properties
Info Structure and Semantics Encoding Map Key should be set in schema defined properties Documentation
Request Body With Incorrect Ref
Info Structure and Semantics Request Body reference must always point to '#/components/RequestBodies' Documentation
Schema Discriminator Property Not String
Info Structure and Semantics Schema discriminator property should be a string Documentation
Parameter Object With Incorrect Ref
Info Structure and Semantics Parameter Object reference must always point to '#/components/parameters' Documentation
Invalid Content Type For Multiple Files Upload
Info Structure and Semantics Content Type should be set to 'multipart/form-data' in case of uploading an arbitrary number of files (array) Documentation
Parameters Name In Combination Should Be Unique
Info Structure and Semantics Parameters properties 'name' and 'in' should have unique combinations Documentation
Schema With Both ReadOnly And WriteOnly
Info Structure and Semantics Schema should not have both 'writeOnly' and 'readOnly' set to true Documentation
Header JSON Reference Does Not Exists
Info Structure and Semantics Header reference should exists on components field Documentation
Paths Object is Empty
Info Structure and Semantics Paths object may be empty due to ACL constraints, meaning they are not exposed Documentation
Components Object Fixed Field Key Improperly Named
Info Structure and Semantics Components object fixed fields (schemas, responses, parameters, examples, requestBodies, headers, securitySchemes, links, and callbacks) should use keys that match the following REGEX: ^[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_]+$ Documentation
Path Parameter With No Corresponding Template Path
Info Structure and Semantics The path parameter must have a corresponding template path for a given operation Documentation
Callback JSON Reference Does Not Exists
Info Structure and Semantics Callback reference should exists on components field Documentation
Schema Object Properties With Duplicated Keys
Info Structure and Semantics Schema Object Property key should be unique through out the fields 'properties', 'allOf', 'additionalProperties' Documentation
Schema Enum Invalid
Info Structure and Semantics The field 'enum' of Schema Object should be consistent with the schema's type Documentation
Link Object OperationId Does Not Target Operation Object
Info Structure and Semantics Link object 'OperationId' should target an existing operation object in the OpenAPI definition Documentation
Unknown Property
Info Structure and Semantics All properties defined in OpenAPI objects should be known Documentation
Link JSON Reference Does Not Exists
Info Structure and Semantics Link reference should exists on components field Documentation
Object Without Required Property
Info Structure and Semantics OpenAPI Object should contain all of its required fields Documentation
Parameter Object With Schema And Content
Info Structure and Semantics A Parameter Object must contain either a 'schema' property, or a 'content' property, but not both since they are mutually exclusive Documentation
Schema Items Undefined
Info Structure and Semantics Schema items should be defined when the schema is set to an array. Documentation
Property 'allowReserved' Improperly Defined
Info Structure and Semantics Property 'allowReserved' should be only defined for query parameters Documentation
Servers Array Undefined
Info Structure and Semantics The Servers array should have at least one server defined. If not, the default value would be a Server Object with a URL value of '/'. Documentation
Template Path With No Corresponding Path Parameter
Info Structure and Semantics The template path must have a corresponding path parameter for a given operation Documentation
Parameter Object Content With Multiple Entries
Info Structure and Semantics The map content property of the parameter object should only contain one entry Documentation
Security Field Undefined
Info Structure and Semantics Security field should be defined in '#/components/securitySchemes' Documentation
Example JSON Reference Outside Components Examples
Info Structure and Semantics Reference to examples should point to #/components/examples Documentation
OperationId Not Unique
Info Structure and Semantics OperationId should be unique when defined Documentation
Security Requirement Object With Wrong Scopes
Info Structure and Semantics Security Requirement Object should only have scopes defined for security schemes of type 'oauth2' and 'openIdConnect' Documentation
Callback Object With Incorrect Ref
Info Structure and Semantics Callback Object reference must always point to '#/components/callbacks' Documentation
Responses With Wrong HTTP Status Code
Info Structure and Semantics HTTP Responses status code should be in range of [200-599] Documentation
Request Body JSON Reference Does Not Exists
Info Structure and Semantics Request Body reference should exists on components field Documentation
Non-Array Schema With Items
Info Structure and Semantics Non-Array Schema should not have 'items' defined Documentation
Server URL Not Absolute
Info Structure and Semantics The Server URL should be an absolute URL Documentation
Schema Type Has Invalid Keyword
Info Structure and Semantics Schema defined type is using a keyword of another type Documentation
Property 'allowEmptyValue' Improperly Defined
Info Structure and Semantics Property 'allowEmptyValue' should be only defined for query parameters Documentation
Responses Object Is Empty
Info Structure and Semantics Responses Object should not be empty Documentation
Parameter JSON Reference Does Not Exists
Info Structure and Semantics Parameter reference should exists on components field Documentation
Schema Default Invalid
Info Structure and Semantics The field 'default' of Schema Object should be consistent with the schema's type Documentation
Schema Object Incorrect Ref
Info Structure and Semantics Schema Object reference must always point to '#/components/schemas' Documentation
Header Object With Incorrect Ref
Info Structure and Semantics Header Object reference must always point to '#/components/headers' Documentation
Properties Missing Required Property
Info Structure and Semantics Schema Object should have all required properties defined Documentation
Parameter Objects Headers With Duplicated Name
Info Structure and Semantics Parameter Objects should not have duplicate names for 'header' location, since HTTP headers are not case sensitive. Documentation
Schema Object With Circular Ref
Info Structure and Semantics Schema Object should not reference it self in 'allOf', 'oneOf', 'anyOf' and 'not' properties Documentation
Server URL Uses Undefined Variables
Info Structure and Semantics Any variable used in the Service URL should be defined in the Service Object through 'variables'. Documentation
Path Parameter Not Required
Info Structure and Semantics The property 'required' determines whether the parameter is mandatory. If the parameter location is 'path', this property is required and its value must be true. Documentation