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Creating Queries

Create a new Query

The queries are written in Rego and our internal parser transforms every IaC file that supports into a universal JSON format. This way anyone can start working on a query by picking up a small sample of the vulnerability that the query should target, and convert this sample, that can be a .tf or .yaml file, to our JSON structure JSON. To convert the sample you can run the following command:

go run ./cmd/console/main.go scan -p "pathToTestData" -d "pathToGenerateJson"

So for example, if we wanted to transform a .tf file in ./code/test we could type:

go run ./cmd/console/main.go scan -p  "./src/test" -d "src/test/input.json"

After having the .json that will be our Rego input, we can begin to write queries. To test and debug there are two ways:


For a query to be considered complete, it must be compliant with at least one positive and one negative test case. To run the unit tests you can run this command:

make test

Check if the new test was added correctly and if all tests are passing locally. If succeeds, a Pull Request can now be created.


Filling metadata.json:

  • id should be filled with a UUID. You can use the built-in command to generate this:
go run ./cmd/console/main.go generate-id
  • queryName describes the name of the vulnerability
  • severity can be filled with HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW or INFO
  • category pick one of the following:
    • Access Control
    • Availability
    • Backup
    • Best Practices
    • Build Process
    • Encryption
    • Insecure Configurations
    • Insecure Defaults
    • Networking and Firewall
    • Observability
    • Resource Management
    • Secret Management
    • Supply-Chain
  • descriptionText should explain with detail the vulnerability and if possible provide a way to remediate
  • descriptionUrl points to the official documentation about the resource being targeted
  • platform query target platform (e.g. Terraform, Kubernetes, etc.)