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Azure Resource Manager

AzureResourceManager Queries List

This page contains all queries from AzureResourceManager.

Query Severity Category Description Help
Key Vault Not Recoverable
High Backup Key Vault should have 'enableSoftDelete' and 'enablePurgeProtection' set to true Documentation
Azure Instance Using Basic Authentication
High Best Practices Azure Instances should use SSH Key instead of basic authentication Documentation
Secret Without Expiration Date
High Best Practices All Secrets must have an expiration date defined Documentation
Azure Managed Disk Without Encryption
High Encryption Azure Disk Encryption should be enabled Documentation
Storage Account Allows Unsecure Transfer
High Encryption 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts' should force the use of HTTPS Documentation
Web App Not Using TLS Last Version
High Encryption Resources of type 'Microsoft.Web/sites' should define 'properties.siteConfig.minTlsVersion' with '1.2' Documentation
Website Not Forcing HTTPS
High Insecure Configurations 'Microsoft.Web/sites' should force the use of HTTPS Documentation
Trusted Microsoft Services Not Enabled
High Networking and Firewall Trusted Microsoft Services should be enabled for Storage Account access Documentation
Network Security Group With Unrestricted Access To SSH
High Networking and Firewall Port 22 (SSH) is exposed to the Internet Documentation
Website with Client Certificate Auth Disabled
High Networking and Firewall 'Microsoft.Web/sites' should have client certificate authentication enabled Documentation
PostgreSQL Database Server SSL Disabled
High Networking and Firewall Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers sslEnforcement property should be set to 'Enabled' Documentation
Network Security Group With Unrestricted Access To RDP
High Networking and Firewall Port 3389 (Remote Desktop) is exposed to the Internet Documentation
MySQL Server SSL Enforcement Disabled
High Networking and Firewall 'Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers' should enforce SSL Documentation
Storage Blob Service Container With Public Access
High Networking and Firewall Storage Blob Service Container should not publicly accessible Documentation
SQL Database Server Firewall Allows All IPS
High Networking and Firewall SQL Database Server Firewall endIpAddress should not be '' when startIpAddress is '' since this allows all IPS Documentation
AKS Cluster RBAC Disabled
Medium Access Control Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters should have enableRBAC set to true Documentation
Role Definitions Allow Custom Subscription Role Creation
Medium Access Control Role Definitions should not allow custom subscription role creation (actions set to '*' or 'Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/write') Documentation
SQL Server Database With Alerts Disabled
Medium Best Practices All Alerts should be enabled in SQL Database Server SecurityAlerts Policy Properties Documentation
AKS Cluster Network Policy Not Configured
Medium Insecure Configurations Azure Kubernetes Service must have a network policy defined. Documentation
PostgresSQL Database Server Connection Throttling Disabled
Medium Networking and Firewall Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/configurations should have 'connection_throttling' property set to 'on' Documentation
PostgreSQL Database Server Log Checkpoints Disabled
Medium Networking and Firewall Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/configurations should have 'log_checkpoint' property set to 'on' Documentation
AKS With Authorized IP Ranges Disabled
Medium Networking and Firewall Azure Kubernetes Service must have an authorized IP range for API Services enabled Documentation
Standard Price Is Not Selected
Medium Networking and Firewall Azure Security Center provides more features for standard pricing mode, so it must be activated. Documentation
PostgreSQL Database Server Log Connections Disabled
Medium Networking and Firewall Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/configurations should have 'log_connections' property set to 'on' Documentation
Unrecommended Log Profile Retention Policy
Medium Observability Log Profile Retention Policy should be enabled and the recommended number of days for the retention should be higher than 365 or 0 (0 will retain the events indefinitely) Documentation
SQL Server Database With Unrecommended Retention Days
Medium Observability SQL Server Database Auditing Settings should keep the audit logs in the storage account for at least 90 days Documentation
Unrecommended Network Watcher Flow Log Retention Policy
Medium Observability Network Watcher Flow Log Retention Policy should be enabled and the recommended number of days for the retention should be higher than 90 Documentation
AKS Logging To Azure Monitoring Is Disabled
Medium Observability Azure Kubernetes Service should have logging to Azure Monitoring enabled. Documentation
SQL Server Database Without Auditing
Medium Observability Every 'Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases' resource should have Auditing Enabled Documentation
Log Profile Incorrect Category
Medium Observability Log Profile Categories should be set to 'Write', 'Delete', and/or 'Action' Documentation
Storage Logging For Read Write And Delete Requests Disabled
Medium Observability Storage Logging should be enabled for read, write and delete methods Documentation
Hardcoded SecureString Parameter Default Value
Medium Secret Management Secure parameters should not have hardcoded default value Documentation
Website Azure Active Directory Disabled
Low Access Control WebApp should have Azure Active Directory enabled with 'identity.type' set to 'SystemAssigned' or 'userAssignedIdentities' set to 'true' Documentation
Phone Number Not Set For Security Contacts
Low Best Practices Microsoft.Security securityContacts should have a phone number defined Documentation
AKS Dashboard Is Enabled
Low Best Practices Azure Kubernetes Service should have the Kubernetes dashboard disabled. Documentation
Storage Account Allows Default Network Access
Low Networking and Firewall 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts' should force the use of HTTPS Documentation
Website with 'Http20Enabled' Disabled
Low Networking and Firewall 'Microsoft.Web/sites' should have 'Http20Enabled' enabled Documentation
App Service Authentication Is Not Set
Info Access Control Azure App Service should have App Service Authentication set Documentation
Account Admins Not Notified By Email
Info Best Practices Account admins should be notified by email in the event of security alerts Documentation
SQL Alert Policy Without Emails
Info Best Practices SQL Database Server should contain emails to be notified in the event of a Security Alert Documentation
Email Notifications Disabled
Info Networking and Firewall Email notifications about new security alerts, should be set to 'On', and be sent to persons with specific RBAC roles on the subscription Documentation