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CloudFormation Queries List

This page contains all queries from CloudFormation.

Query Severity Category Description Help
Lambda Functions With Full Privileges
High Access Control AWS Lambda Functions should not have roles with policies granting full administrative privileges. Documentation
S3 Bucket Allows Put Action From All Principals
High Access Control S3 Buckets must not allow Put Actions From All Principals, as to prevent leaking private information to the entire internet or allow unauthorized data tampering / deletion. This means the 'Effect' must not be 'Allow' when the 'Action' is Put, for all Principals. Documentation
S3 Bucket ACL Allows Read Or Write to All Users
High Access Control S3 Buckets sould not be readable and writable to all users Documentation
S3 Bucket With All Permissions
High Access Control S3 Buckets must not have all permissions, as to prevent leaking private information to the entire internet or allow unauthorized data tampering / deletion. This means the 'Effect' must not be 'Allow' when the 'Action' is '*', for all Principals. Documentation
S3 Bucket Allows Get Action From All Principals
High Access Control S3 Buckets must not allow Get Actions From All Principals, as to prevent leaking private information to the entire internet or allow unauthorized data tampering / deletion. This means the 'Effect' must not be 'Allow' when the 'Action' is Get, for all Principals. Documentation
IAM Policies With Full Privileges
High Access Control IAM policies shouldn't allow full administrative privileges Documentation
S3 Bucket ACL Allows Read to Any Authenticated User
High Access Control S3 Buckets sould not be readable and writable to all users Documentation
S3 Bucket Access to Any Principal
High Access Control The S3 Bucket should not have the (accessPublicBlock empty or accessPublicBlock.ignorePublicAcls = false or accessPublicBlock.restrictPublicBuckets = false ) and ( policy.Statement contain [Effect='Allow' and (Principal='' or Principal.AWS='')]) Documentation
S3 Bucket ACL Allows Read to All Users
High Access Control S3 Buckets sould not be readable and writable to all users Documentation
S3 Bucket Allows List Action From All Principals
High Access Control S3 Buckets must not allow List Actions From All Principals, as to prevent leaking private information to the entire internet or allow unauthorized data tampering / deletion. This means the 'Effect' must not be 'Allow' when the 'Action' is List, for all Principals. Documentation
S3 Bucket Allows Restore Actions From All Principals
High Access Control S3 Buckets must not allow Restore Actions From All Principals, as to prevent leaking private information to the entire internet or allow unauthorized data tampering / deletion. This means the 'Effect' must not be 'Allow' when the 'Action' is Restore, for all Principals. Documentation
S3 Bucket Allows Delete Action From All Principals
High Access Control S3 Buckets must not allow Delete Actions From All Principals, as to prevent leaking private information to the entire internet or allow unauthorized data tampering / deletion. This means the 'Effect' must not be 'Allow' when the 'Action' is Delete, for all Principals. Documentation
ECS Service Admin Role Is Present
High Access Control ECS Services must not have Admin roles, which means the attribute 'role' must not be an admin role Documentation
EFS Not Encrypted
High Encryption Amazon Elastic Filesystem should have filesystem encryption enabled Documentation
User Data Shell Script Is Encoded
High Encryption User Data Shell Script must be encoded Documentation
DynamoDB With Aws Owned CMK
High Encryption AWS DynamoDb should be encrypted using AWS Managed CMK, instead of AWS-owned CMK. To verify this, SSEEnabled must be verified if false for AWS-owned CMK or true for AWS-Managed CMK. Default value is false. Documentation
ELB Using Insecure Protocols
High Encryption ELB Predefined or Custom Security Policies must not use insecure protocols, to reduce the risk of the SSL connection between the client and the load balancer being exploited. That means the ELB Listeners must not have Policies that posses Protocols that coincide with any of a predefined list of insecure protocols. Documentation
SageMaker Data Encryption Disabled
High Encryption Amazon SageMaker's Notebook Instance must have its Data Encryption enabled, which means the attribute 'KmsKeyId' must be defined not empty or null. Documentation
API Gateway Cache Encrypted Disabled
High Encryption 'API::Gateway::Deployment' should have 'CacheDataEncrypted' enabled when 'CachingEnabled' is set to true Documentation
Memcached Disabled
High Encryption Check if the Memcached is disabled on the ElastiCache Documentation
ElastiCache With Disabled Transit Encryption
High Encryption Ensure AWS ElastiCache Redis clusters have encryption for data at transit enabled Documentation
ELB Using Weak Ciphers
High Encryption ELB Predefined or Custom Security Policies must not use insecure protocols, to reduce the risk of the SSL connection between the client and the load balancer being exploited. That means the ELB Listeners must not have Policies that posses Ciphers that coincide with any of a predefined list of weak ciphers. Documentation
EFS Without KMS
High Encryption Amazon Elastic Filesystem should have filesystem encryption enabled using KMS CMK customer-managed keys instead of AWS managed-keys Documentation
ElastiCache With Disabled at Rest Encryption
High Encryption Ensure AWS ElastiCache Redis clusters have encryption for data at rest enabled Documentation
CloudTrail Log Files Not Encrypted
High Encryption Logs delivered by CloudTrail should be encrypted using KMS Documentation
S3 Bucket SSE Disabled
High Encryption If algorithm is AES256 then the master key is null, empty or undefined, otherwise the master key is required Documentation
Connection Between CloudFront Origin Not Encrypted
High Encryption Checks if the connection between the CloudFront and the origin server is encrypted Documentation
ECS Task Definition Container With Plaintext Password
High Encryption It's not recommended to use plaintext environment variables for sensitive information, such as credential data. Documentation
CMK Unencrypted Storage
High Encryption Ensure that storage is encrypted by KMS on instances that, based on their name, might host a database. Documentation
Kinesis SSE Not Configured
High Encryption AWS Kinesis Stream should have SSE (Server Side Encryption) defined Documentation
CloudFormation Specifying Credentials Not Safe
High Encryption Specifying credentials in the template itself is probably not safe to do. Documentation
Secure Ciphers Disabled
High Encryption Check if secure ciphers aren't used in CloudFront Documentation
ECS Cluster Not Encrypted At Rest
High Encryption Ensure that AWS ECS clusters are encrypted. Data encryption at rest, prevents unauthorized users from accessing sensitive data on your AWS ECS clusters and associated cache storage systems. Documentation
MSK Cluster Encryption Disabled
High Encryption Ensure MSK Cluster encryption in rest and transit is enabled. Documentation
Viewer Protocol Policy Allows HTTP
High Encryption Ensure that the Viewer Protocol is only HTTPS Compliant Documentation
Redshift Not Encrypted
High Encryption AWS Redshift Cluster should be encrypted Documentation
Redshift Cluster Without KMS CMK
High Encryption AWS Redshift Cluster should have KMS CMK defined Documentation
S3 Bucket Without Server-side-encryption
High Encryption S3 Buckets should have server-side encryption at rest enabled to protect sensitive data Documentation
IAM Database Auth Not Enabled
High Encryption IAM Database Auth Enabled must be configured to true Documentation
User Data Contains Encoded Private Key
High Encryption User Data Base64 contains an encoded RSA Private Key Documentation
RDS Storage Not Encrypted
High Encryption AWS RDS DB Instance should be encrypted Documentation
ELB Without Secure Protocol
High Encryption Check if the ELB is setup with SSL or HTTPS for secure communication Documentation
S3 Bucket Without SSL In Write Actions
High Encryption S3 Buckets should enforce encryption of data transfers using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Documentation
S3 Static Website Host Enabled
High Insecure Configurations It's dangerous disabling a block public access settings in bucket or writing a bucket policy that grants public read access Documentation
ECS Task Definition Network Mode Not Recommended
High Insecure Configurations Network_Mode should be 'awsvpc' in ecs_task_definition. AWS VPCs provides the controls to facilitate a formal process for approving and testing all network connections and changes to the firewall and router configurations Documentation
DB Security Group Has Public IP
High Insecure Configurations RDS must not be defined with public interface, which means the attribute 'PubliclyAccessible' must be set to false. Documentation
KMS Key With Vulnerable Policy
High Insecure Configurations Checks if the policy is vulnerable and needs updating Documentation
Redshift Publicly Accessible
High Insecure Configurations AWS Redshift Clusters must not be publicly accessible, which means the attribute 'PubliclyAccessible' must be set to false Documentation
API Gateway Without Security Policy
High Insecure Configurations API Gateway should have a Security Policy defined and use TLS 1.2. Documentation
Root Account Has Active Access Keys
High Insecure Configurations Check if the root user has any access keys associated to it. Documentation
CloudFront Without Minimum Protocol TLS 1.2
High Insecure Configurations CloudFront Minimum Protocol version should be at least TLS 1.2 Documentation
Batch Job Definition With Privileged Container Properties
High Insecure Configurations Batch Job Definition should not have Privileged Container Properties Documentation
S3 Bucket with Unsecured CORS Rule
High Insecure Configurations If the CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) rule is defined in an S3 bucket, it should be secure Documentation
Permissive Web ACL Default Action
High Insecure Defaults WebAcl DefaultAction should not be ALLOW Documentation
Vulnerable Default SSL Certificate
High Insecure Defaults CloudFront web distributions should use custom (and not default) SSL certificates. Custom SSL certificates allow only defined users to access content by using an alternate domain name instead of the default one. Documentation
Fully Open Ingress
High Networking and Firewall ECS Service's security group should not allow unrestricted access to all ports from all IPv4 addresses Documentation
Security Group With Unrestricted Access To SSH
High Networking and Firewall Security Groups allows all traffic for SSH (port:22) Documentation
Default Security Groups With Unrestricted Traffic
High Networking and Firewall Security Groups set as default must be denied traffic. Documentation
EC2 Sensitive Port Is Publicly Exposed
High Networking and Firewall The EC2 instance has a sensitive port connection exposed to the entire network Documentation
ALB Listening on HTTP
High Networking and Firewall All Application Load Balancers (ALB) should block connection requests over HTTP Documentation
Remote Desktop Port Open
High Networking and Firewall The Remote Desktop port is open in a Security Group Documentation
Route53 Record Undefined
High Networking and Firewall Route53 HostedZone must have the Record Set defined. Documentation
Unknown Port Exposed To Internet
High Networking and Firewall AWS Security Group should not have an unknown port exposed to the entire Internet Documentation
SageMaker Notebook Not Placed In VPC
High Networking and Firewall SageMaker Notebook must be placed in a VPC Documentation
EC2 Network ACL Overlapping Ports
High Networking and Firewall NetworkACL Entries are reusing or overlapping ports which may create ineffective rules Documentation
ELB Sensitive Port Is Exposed To Entire Network
High Networking and Firewall The load balancer of the application with a sensitive port connection is exposed to the entire internet. Documentation
Security Groups With Exposed Admin Ports
High Networking and Firewall Security Groups should not have ports open in (20, 21, 22, 23, 115, 137, 138, 139, 2049, 3389) Documentation
EC2 Public Instance Exposed Through Subnet
High Networking and Firewall EC2 instances with public IP addresses shouldn't allow for unrestricted traffic to their subnets Documentation
Security Groups With Meta IP
High Networking and Firewall Security Groups allows for all ports and protocols. Documentation
Security Group Unrestricted Access To RDP
High Networking and Firewall Security Groups does not allow for rdp (port:3389) Documentation
HTTP Port Open
High Networking and Firewall The HTTP port is open in a Security Group Documentation
EKS node group remote access
High Networking and Firewall Ensure Amazon EKS Node group has implict SSH access Documentation
DB Security Group with Public Scope
High Networking and Firewall The IP address in a DB Security Group must not be '' (IPv4) or '::/0' (IPv6). Documentation
Security Groups Allows Unrestricted Outbound Traffic
High Networking and Firewall No security group should allow unrestricted egress access Documentation
DB Security Group Open To Large Scope
High Networking and Firewall The IP address in a DB Security Group must not have more than 256 hosts. Documentation
Configuration Aggregator to All Regions Disabled
High Observability AWS Config Configuration Aggregator All Regions must be set to True Documentation
S3 Bucket CloudTrail Logging Disabled
High Observability Server Access Logging must be enabled on S3 Buckets so that all changes are logged and trackable when the Service used is CloudTrail Documentation
CMK Rotation Disabled
High Observability Customer Master Keys (CMK) must have rotation enabled, which means the attribute 'EnableKeyRotation' must be set to 'true' when the key is enabled. Documentation
CloudTrail Logging Disabled
High Observability Checks if logging is enabled for CloudTrail. Documentation
ECR Repository Is Publicly Accessible
Medium Access Control Amazon ECR image repositories shouldn't have public access Documentation
Lambda Permission Principal Is Wildcard
Medium Access Control Lambda Permission Principal should not be wildcard. Documentation
EC2 Instance Has No IAM Role
Medium Access Control Check if an EC2 instance refers to an IAM profile, which represents an IAM Role. Documentation
SNS Topic Publicity Has Allow and NotAction Simultaneously
Medium Access Control SNS topic Publicity Should not have Allow and NotAction at the same time, if it has Allow it should have Action Documentation
IAM Policy On User
Medium Access Control IAM policies should be applied to groups and not to users Documentation
API Gateway Method Does Not Contains An API Key
Medium Access Control An API Key should be required on a method request. Documentation
SQS Queue Policy Allows NotPrincipal
Medium Access Control Checks if an SQS Queue policy has an Allow and a NotPrincipal. AWS strongly recommends against using NotPrincipal in the same policy statement as "Effect": "Allow". Documentation
Neptune Cluster With IAM Database Authentication Disabled
Medium Access Control Neptune Cluster should have IAM Database Authentication enabled Documentation
KMS Allows Wildcard Principal
Medium Access Control KMS Should not allow Principal parameter to be set as * Documentation
Public Lambda via API Gateway
Medium Access Control Allowing to run lambda function using public API Gateway Documentation
SQS Policy With Public Access
Medium Access Control Checks for dangerous permissions in Action statements in an SQS Queue Policy. This is deemed a potential security risk as it would allow various attacks to the queue Documentation
IoT Policy Allows Wildcard Resource
Medium Access Control IoT Policy should not allow Resource to be set as * Documentation
Empty Roles For ECS Cluster Task Definitions
Medium Access Control Check if any ECS cluster has not defined proper roles for services' task definitions. Documentation
IoT Policy Allows Action as Wildcard
Medium Access Control IoT Policy should not allow Action to be set as * Documentation
EC2 Network ACL Ineffective Denied Traffic
Medium Access Control Ineffective deny rules. A deny rule should be applied to all IP addresses. Documentation
SQS Queue Policy Allows NotAction
Medium Access Control AWS SQS Queue Policy should not allow NotAction since the actions specified in this element are the only actions in that are limited Documentation
EBS Volume Not Attached To Instances
Medium Availability EBS Volumes that are unattached to instances may contain sensitive data Documentation
CMK Is Unusable
Medium Availability AWS Key Management Service (KMS) must only possess usable Customer Master Keys (CMK), which means the CMKs must have the attribute 'Enabled' set to true and the attribute 'PendingWindowInDays' must be undefined. Documentation
ECS Service Without Running Tasks
Medium Availability ECS Service should have at least 1 task running Documentation
Auto Scaling Group With No Associated ELB
Medium Availability AWS Auto Scaling Groups must have associated ELBs to ensure high availability and improve application performance. This means the attribute 'LoadBalancerNames' must be defined and not empty. Documentation
ElastiCache Nodes Not Created Across Multi AZ
Medium Availability Check if ElastiCache nodes are not being created across multi AZ Documentation
RDS Multi-AZ Deployment Disabled
Medium Backup AWS RDS Instance should have a multi-az deployment Documentation
Low RDS Backup Retention Period
Medium Backup AWS RDS backup retention policy should be at least 7 days Documentation
Stack Retention Disabled
Medium Backup Make sure that retain_stack is enabled to keep the Stack and it's associated resources during resource destruction Documentation
RDS With Backup Disabled
Medium Backup Make sure the AWS RDS configuration has automatic backup configured. If the retention period is equal to 0 there is no backup Documentation
IAM Password Without Lowercase Letter
Medium Best Practices IAM user resource Login Profile Password should have lowercase letter Documentation
High Access Key Rotation Period
Medium Best Practices Check if there is a rule that enforces access keys to be rotated within 90 days. Documentation
IAM Password Without Symbol
Medium Best Practices IAM user resource Login Profile Password should have at least one symbol Documentation
IAM Password Without Minimum Length
Medium Best Practices IAM user resource Login Profile Password should have at least 14 characters Documentation
Automatic Minor Upgrades Disabled
Medium Best Practices AWS RDS should have automatic minor upgrades enabled, which means the attribute 'AutoMinorVersionUpgrade' must be set to true. Documentation
IAM Password Without Number
Medium Best Practices IAM user resource Login Profile Password should have at least one number Documentation
IAM Managed Policy Applied to a User
Medium Best Practices Make sure that any managed IAM policies are implemented in a group and not in a user. Documentation
Cognito UserPool Without MFA
Medium Best Practices AWS Cognito UserPool should have MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) defined to users Documentation
IAM User Without Password Reset
Medium Best Practices IAM User Login Profile should exist and have PasswordResetRequired property set to true Documentation
IAM Password Without Uppercase Letter
Medium Best Practices IAM user resource Login Profile Password should have at least one uppercase letter Documentation
ECS No Load Balancer Attached
Medium Best Practices Amazon ECS service should be configured to use Load Balancing to distribute traffic evenly across the tasks, which means there must exist at least one LoadBalancer. Documentation
KMS Key Rotation Disabled
Medium Encryption EnableKeyRotation should not be false or undefined Documentation
Workspace Without Encryption
Medium Encryption Workspaces should have encryption enabled Documentation
IAM Group Inline Policies
Medium Encryption IAM Groups should not use inline policies and instead use managed policies. If a group is deleted, the inline policy is also deleted Documentation
SageMaker EndPoint Config Should Specify KmsKeyId Attribute
Medium Encryption KmsKeyId attribute should be defined Documentation
AmazonMQ Broker Encryption Disabled
Medium Encryption AmazonMQ Broker should have Encryption Options defined Documentation
EBS Volume Encryption Disabled
Medium Encryption EBS volumes should be encrypted Documentation
Unscanned ECR Image
Medium Encryption Checks if the ECR Image has been scanned Documentation
RDS Storage Encryption Disabled
Medium Encryption RDS DBCluster should have storage encrypted set to true Documentation
API Gateway Without Content Encoding
Medium Encryption Enable Content Encoding through the attribute 'MinimumCompressionSize'. This value should be greater than -1 and smaller than 10485760. Documentation
Alexa Skill Plaintext Client Secret Exposed
Medium Encryption Alexa skills' client secrets should not be defined as a plaintext string. It should either use 'AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store' or 'AWS Secrets Manager' to retrieve sensitive information Documentation
Config Rule For Encrypted Volumes Disabled
Medium Encryption Check if AWS config rules do not identify Encrypted Volumes as a source. Documentation
CodeBuild Not Encrypted
Medium Encryption CodeBuild Should have EncryptionKey defined Documentation
EMR Security Configuration Encryption Disabled
Medium Encryption EMR SecurityConfiguration should enable and properly configure encryption at rest and in transit. Documentation
Neptune Database Cluster Encryption Disabled
Medium Encryption Neptune database cluster storage should have encryption enabled Documentation
ElasticSearch Encryption With KMS Disabled
Medium Encryption Check if any ElasticSearch domain isn't encrypted with KMS. Documentation
ElasticSearch Not Encrypted At Rest
Medium Encryption Check if ElasticSearch encryption is disabled at Rest Documentation
Instance With No VPC
Medium Insecure Configurations EC2 Instances should be configured under a VPC network. AWS VPCs provide the controls to facilitate a formal process for approving and testing all network connections and changes to the firewall and router configurations. Documentation
SageMaker Enabling Internet Access
Medium Insecure Configurations SageMaker must have disabled internet access and root access for Creating Notebook Instances. Documentation
GitHub Repository Set To Public
Medium Insecure Configurations Repositories must be set to private, which means the attribute 'visibility' must be set to 'private' and/or the attribute 'private' must be set to true (the attribute 'visibility' overrides 'private') Documentation
Lambda Functions Without Unique IAM Roles
Medium Insecure Configurations AWS Lambda Functions should not share IAM roles to ensure they will have the minimum privileges needed to perform the required tasks Documentation
API Gateway With Open Access
Medium Insecure Configurations API Gateway Method should restrict an authorization type, except for the HTTP OPTIONS method. Documentation
API Gateway Without SSL Certificate
Medium Insecure Configurations SSL Client Certificate should be enabled Documentation
MQ Broker Is Publicly Accessible
Medium Insecure Configurations Check if any MQ Broker is not publicly accessible Documentation
ECR Image Tag Not Immutable
Medium Insecure Configurations ECR should have an image tag be immutable Documentation
EMR Cluster Without Security Configuration
Medium Insecure Configurations EMR Cluster should have security configuration defined. Documentation
IAM User Has Too Many Access Keys
Medium Insecure Configurations Any IAM User should not have more than one access key since it increases the risk of unauthorized access and compromise credentials Documentation
IAM User LoginProfile Password Is In Plaintext
Medium Insecure Configurations IAM User LoginProfile Password must not be a plaintext string Documentation
Lambda Function Without Tags
Medium Insecure Configurations AWS Lambda Functions must have associated tags. Documentation
EC2 Instance Has Public IP
Medium Insecure Configurations EC2 Subnet should not have MapPublicIpOnLaunch set to true Documentation
Inline Policies Are Attached To ECS Service
Medium Insecure Configurations Check if any ECS service has inline policies attached, which are embedded directly into an entity (user, group,...), instead of the equivalent recommended managed policies. Documentation
S3 Bucket Should Have Bucket Policy
Medium Insecure Defaults Checks if S3 Bucket has the same name as a Bucket Policy, if it has, S3 Bucket has a Bucket Policy associated Documentation
RouterTable with Default Routing
Medium Insecure Defaults NAT gateways are recommended, and not the default route which permits all traffic, in Route Tables. Documentation
ALB Is Not Integrated With WAF
Medium Networking and Firewall All Application Load Balancers (ALB) must be protected with Web Application Firewall (WAF) service Documentation
ELB With Security Group Without Outbound Rules
Medium Networking and Firewall An AWS Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) shouldn´t have security groups without outbound rules Documentation
Security Group Ingress With All Protocols
Medium Networking and Firewall AWS Security Group Ingress should not specify all protocols to prevent allow traffic on all ports Documentation
GameLift Fleet EC2 InboundPermissions With Port Range
Medium Networking and Firewall AWS GameLift Fleet EC2InboundPermissions should have a single port Documentation
TCP/UDP Protocol Network ACL Entry Allows All Ports
Medium Networking and Firewall TCP/UDP protocol AWS Network ACL Entry should not allow all ports Documentation
Security Groups Without VPC Attached
Medium Networking and Firewall Security Groups must have a VPC. Documentation
Security Group Egress With All Protocols
Medium Networking and Firewall AWS Security Group Egress should not specify all protocols to prevent allow traffic on all ports Documentation
API Gateway Endpoint Config is Not Private
Medium Networking and Firewall The API Endpoint type in API Gateway should be set to PRIVATE so it's not exposed to the public internet Documentation
ELB With Security Group Without Inbound Rules
Medium Networking and Firewall An AWS Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) shouldn´t have security groups without outbound rules Documentation
EC2 Permissive Network ACL Protocols
Medium Networking and Firewall To avoid opening all ports for Allow rules, EC2 NetworkACL Entry Protocol should be either 6 (for TCP), 17 (for UDP), 1 (for ICMP), or 58 (for ICMPv6, which must include an IPv6 CIDR block, ICMP type, and code). Documentation
Security Group Egress CIDR Open To World
Medium Networking and Firewall AWS Security Group Egress CIDR should not be open to the world Documentation
Security Group Egress With Port Range
Medium Networking and Firewall AWS Security Group Egress should have a single port Documentation
Unrestricted Security Group Ingress
Medium Networking and Firewall AWS Security Group Ingress CIDR should not be open to the world Documentation
Security Group Ingress With Port Range
Medium Networking and Firewall AWS Security Group Ingress should have a single port Documentation
CloudTrail Multi Region Disabled
Medium Observability AWS CloudTrail should have IsMultiRegionTrail set to true Documentation
ElasticSearch Without Slow Logs
Medium Observability Ensure that AWS Elasticsearch enables support for slow logs Documentation
API Gateway Deployment Without Access Log Setting
Medium Observability API Gateway Deployment should have access log setting defined when connected to an API Gateway Stage. Documentation
MSK Cluster Logging Disabled
Medium Observability Ensure MSK Cluster Logging is enabled Documentation
API Gateway X-Ray Disabled
Medium Observability X-Ray Tracing is not enabled Documentation
CloudWatch Metrics Disabled
Medium Observability Checks if CloudWatch Metrics is Enabled Documentation
Stack Notifications Disabled
Medium Observability Enable AWS CloudFormation Stack Notifications Documentation
S3 Bucket Without Versioning
Medium Observability S3 bucket versioning should be enabled Documentation
MQ Broker Logging Disabled
Medium Observability Check if MQ Brokers don't have logging enabled in any of the two options possible (audit and general). Documentation
GuardDuty Detector Disabled
Medium Observability Make sure that Amazon GuardDuty is Enabled. Documentation
CloudFront Logging Disabled
Medium Observability Make sure AWS CloudFront distribution has access log enabled Documentation
ELB Access Log Disabled
Medium Observability ELB should have access log enabled Documentation
API Gateway V2 Stage Access Logging Settings Not Defined
Medium Observability API Gateway V2 Stage should have Access Logging Settings defined. Documentation
CloudWatch Logging Disabled
Medium Observability Check if CloudWatch logging is disabled for Route53 hosted zones Documentation
Redshift Cluster Logging Disabled
Medium Observability Make sure Logging is enabled for Redshift Cluster Documentation
ELBv2 ALB Access Log Disabled
Medium Observability ELBv2 ALBs should have access log enabled to capture detailed information about requests sent to your load balancer. Documentation
CloudTrail Not Integrated With CloudWatch
Medium Observability CloudTrail should be integrated with CloudWatch Documentation
CloudTrail SNS Topic Name Undefined
Medium Observability Check if SNS topic name is set for CloudTrail Documentation
EBS Volume Without KmsKeyId
Medium Secret Management EBS Volume should specify a KmsKeyId value Documentation
Amplify App OAuth Token Exposed
Medium Secret Management Amplify App OAuth Token must not be a plaintext string or a Ref to a Parameter with a Default value. Documentation
SQS with SSE disabled
Medium Secret Management AWS SQS Queue should have a KMS Master Key defined Documentation
Directory Service Microsoft AD Password Set to Plaintext or Default Ref
Medium Secret Management Directory Service Microsoft AD password must not be a plaintext string or a Ref to a Parameter with a Default value. Documentation
DMS Endpoint Password Exposed
Medium Secret Management DMS Endpoint password must not be a plaintext string or a Ref to a Parameter with a Default value. Documentation
DMS Endpoint MongoDB Settings Password Exposed
Medium Secret Management DMS Endpoint MongoDbSettings Password must not be a plaintext string or a Ref to a Parameter with a Default value. Documentation
Amplify App Access Token Exposed
Medium Secret Management Amplify App Access Token must not be in a plain text string or referenced in a parameter as a default value. Documentation
Hardcoded AWS Access Key In Lambda
Medium Secret Management Lambda hardcoded AWS access/secret keys Documentation
RefreshToken Is Exposed
Medium Secret Management Alexa ASK Skill AuthenticationConfiguration RefreshToken should not be a plaintext string Documentation
Amplify Branch Basic Auth Config Password Exposed
Medium Secret Management Amplify Branch BasicAuthConfig Password must not be a plaintext string or a Ref to a Parameter with a Default value. Documentation
DocDB Cluster Master Password In Plaintext
Medium Secret Management DocDB DB Cluster master user password must not be in a plain text string or referenced in a parameter as a default value. Documentation
SNS Topic Without KmsMasterKeyId
Medium Secret Management KmsMasterKeyId attribute should not be undefined Documentation
Amplify App Basic Auth Config Password Exposed
Medium Secret Management Amplify App BasicAuthConfig Password must not be a plaintext string or a Ref to a Parameter with a Default value. Documentation
Directory Service Simple AD Password Exposed
Medium Secret Management DirectoryService SimpleAD password must not be a plaintext string or a Ref to a Parameter with a Default value. Documentation
Secrets Manager Should Specify KmsKeyId
Medium Secret Management Secrets Manager Secret should explicitly specify KmsKeyId, this will allow the secret to be shared cross-account Documentation
IAM User With No Group
Low Access Control A IAM user should belong to a group Documentation
Support Has No Role Associated
Low Access Control Check if any AWS Support policy does not have any role and users and group associated, which means that is not being managed. Documentation
IAM Role Allows All Principals To Assume
Low Access Control IAM role allows all services or principals to assume it Documentation
IAM Group Without Users
Low Access Control IAM Group should have at least one user associated Documentation
IAM Policy Grants Full Permissions
Low Access Control Check if an IAM policy is granting full permissions to resources from the get-go, instead of granting permissions gradually as necessary. Documentation
IAM Policy Grants 'AssumeRole' Permission Across All Services
Low Access Control Check if any IAM Policy grants 'AssumeRole' permission across all services. Documentation
VPC Attached With Too Many Gateways
Low Availability The number of gateways approaches or goes beyond the limit in a particular VPC Documentation
RDS With Deletion Protection Disabled
Low Backup RDS DBInstance should have deletion protection set to true Documentation
Security Group Rule Without Description
Low Best Practices AWS Security Group Rule should have description defined Documentation
CDN Configuration Is Missing
Low Best Practices Content Delivery Network (CDN) service is used within AWS account to secure and accelerate the delivery of websites. The use of a CDN can provide a layer of security between your origin content and the destination. Documentation
Security Group Ingress Has CIDR Not Recommended
Low Best Practices AWS Security Group Ingress CIDR should not be /32 in case of IPV4 or /128 in case of IPV6 Documentation
IAM Policies Without Groups
Low Best Practices IAM policy should not apply directly to users, should be with a group Documentation
Geo Restriction Disabled
Low Best Practices Geo Restriction feature should be enabled, to restrict or allow users in specific locations accessing web application content Documentation
IAM Policies Attached To User
Low Best Practices IAM User should embed managed policies instead of inline policies Documentation
Lambda Permission Misconfigured
Low Best Practices Lambda permission may be misconfigured if the action field is not filled in by 'lambda: InvokeFunction' Documentation
EFS Without Tags
Low Build Process Amazon Elastic Filesystem should have filesystem tags associated Documentation
DynamoDB With Not Recommented Table Billing Mode
Low Build Process Checks if DynamoDB Table Billing Mode is set to either PAY_PER_REQUEST or PROVISIONED Documentation
Wildcard In ACM Certificate Domain Name
Low Insecure Configurations ACM Certificate should not use wildcards (*) in the domain name Documentation
Open Access To Resources Through API
Low Insecure Configurations Open access to back-end resources through API Documentation
EC2 Network ACL Duplicate Rule
Low Networking and Firewall A Network ACL's rule numbers cannot be repeated unless one is egress and the other is ingress Documentation
CloudFront Without WAF
Low Networking and Firewall All AWS CloudFront distributions should be integrated with the Web Application Firewall (AWS WAF) service Documentation
Lambda Functions Without X-Ray Tracing
Low Observability AWS Lambda functions should have TracingConfig enabled. For this, property 'tracingConfig.mode' should have the value 'Active' Documentation
ECS Task Definition HealthCheck Missing
Low Observability Amazon ECS must have the HealthCheck property defined to give more control over monitoring the health of tasks Documentation
CloudTrail Log File Validation Disabled
Low Observability CloudTrail log file validation should be enabled Documentation
S3 Bucket Logging Disabled
Low Observability Server Access Logging must be enabled on S3 Buckets so that all changes are logged and trackable Documentation
API Gateway Deployment Without API Gateway UsagePlan Associated
Low Observability API Gateway Deployment should have API Gateway UsagePlan defined and associated. Documentation
VPC FlowLogs Disabled
Low Observability VPC hasn't got any FlowLog associated Documentation
SNS Topic is Publicly Accessible For Subscription
Low Observability Ensure appropriate subscribers to each SNS topic Documentation
SDB Domain Declared As A Resource
Low Resource Management SimpleDB Domain resource should not be declared Documentation
ECS Task Definition Invalid CPU or Memory
Low Resource Management In ECS Task Definition of FARGATE launch type if you specify an invalid CPU or Memory value, you will receive an error Documentation
VPC Without Attached Subnet
Low Resource Management VPCs without attached subnets may indicate that they are not being used Documentation
API Gateway Stage Without API Gateway UsagePlan Associated
Low Resource Management API Gateway Stage should have API Gateway UsagePlan defined and associated. Documentation