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Running KICS

Supported Resources

KICS makes use of the go-getter package in order to scan files or directories from various sources.

KICS is able to perform scans on these types of paths:

  • Local Files
  • Archived Files
  • S3
  • Git
  • GSC

Files and directories that are not local will be placed in a temporarly folder during KICS execution.

Local Files

kics scan -p path/local

Archived Files

Available archive formats:

  • tar.gz and tgz
  • tar.bz2 and tbz2
  • tar.xz and txz
  • zip
  • gz
  • bz2
  • xz
kics scan -p path/

More information can be seen here


S3 Bucket path syntax:

s3::{S3 Bucket URL}?{query parameters}

Query Parameters:

  • aws_access_key_id - AWS access key.
  • aws_access_key_secret - AWS access key secret.
  • aws_access_token - AWS access token if this is being used.
  • aws_profile - Use this profile from local ~/.aws/ config. Takes - priority over the other three.
kics scan -p s3::

More information can be seen here


kics scan -p git::


kics scan -p

Please make sure you have SSH private key configured with your github account

More information can be seen here


kics scan -p gcs::

Please make sure you have set GSC authentication credentials to your application code by environment variables

More information can be seen here

Using custom input data

Since from v1.3.5, KICS supports using custom input data to replace data on queries that have this feature supported. To see if a query supports overwriting, check if the query's folder contains a data.json file, this file will contain all keys that can be overwritten. To overwrite the key, you need to create files following the pattern <query_id>.json, each file representing one query and passing folder path containing these files to the flag input-data, this will get all files from this folder and replace all keys on queries found.

NOTE: Keys that are not overwritten will use the default value proposed by data.json file of targeted query.

For example, on queries/common/passwords_and_secrets_in_infrastructure_code/ contains the following data.json:

  "defaultPasswords": [
  "blackList": [

This means there are two keys, defaultPasswords and blackList, that can be overwritten. On the query, you can search them on query.rego file with: data.defaultPasswords and data.blackList, to understand how it is used by the query.

To overwrite defaultPasswords, you can create a file f996f3cb-00fc-480c-8973-8ab04d44a8cc.json on a folder custom-input, for example, as following:

  "defaultPasswords": [

Then you can execute KICS normally adding --input-data ./custom-input/, if custom-input folder is in current path, and it will replace the key defaultPasswords on passwords_and_secrets_in_infrastructure_code query with the custom value you defined.

NOTE: The value which will replace the default value, MUST be the same type as the default key (e.g. defaultPasswords must be an array of strings)

Using commands on scanned files as comments

KICS scan supports some special commands in the comments. To use this feature you need to create a comment that starts with kics-scan and wanted command with values (if necessary).

For example, if you want to ignore a tf file when running a scan, you can start your file as following:

# kics-scan ignore
# rest of the file...

If you need to start with a header comment, you can add another line below with the kics-scan command you want, but kics-scan will not works if there is any valid line above it, as you can see on the following example:

# Some comment
# This works
# kics-scan ignore
resource "google_storage_bucket" "example" {
  # This does not works
  # kics-scan ignore
  name          = ""
  location      = "EU"
  force_destroy = true
# This also not works, since there is valid script before this comment
# kics-scan ignore

KICS currently supports five commands: - Must be in file's start: - ignore: Will ignore file when running a scan; - enable=<query_id>,<query_id>: Will get results on this file only for listed queries; - disable=<query_id>,<query_id>: Will ignore results on this file for listed queries; - Can be used in all file extension: - ignore-line: Will ignore the line beneath the comment on the results - ignore-block: Will ignore the block and all its key-value pairs on the results

The order of prescendence in above commands are: 1. ignore 2. ignore-block 3. ignore-line 4. enable 5. disable

For example:

# kics-scan disable=0afa6ab8-a047-48cf-be07-93a2f8c34cf7
# kics-scan

In this case, this file will be ignored by KICS, instead of ignoring results for query with id 0afa6ab8-a047-48cf-be07-93a2f8c34cf7.

kics-scan ignore-line example:

1: resource "google_storage_bucket" "example" {
2:  # kics-scan ignore-line
3:  name          = ""
4:  location      = "EU"
5:  force_destroy = true
6: }

Results that point to lines 2 and 3 will be ignored.

kics-scan ignore-block example:

1: # kics-scan ignore-block
2: resource "google_storage_bucket" "example" {
3:  name          = ""
4:  location      = "EU"
5:  force_destroy = true
6: }

Results that point from line 1 to 6 will be ignored.

For Dockerfile ignore-block is only usable when the whole FROM block should be ignored.

1: # kics-scan ignore-block
2: FROM kics
3: USER Checkmarx
5: FROM kics:2.0
6: USER Checkmarx

in this case only lines from 1 to 3 will be ignored.

ignore-line will ignore all lines of a multi-line command in Docker.

NOTE: For YAML when trying to ignore the whole resource this file should start with --- and then the KICS comment command as you can see on the following example:

1: ---
2: # kics-scan ignore-block
3: apiVersion: v1
4: kind: Pod
5: metadata:
6:  name: memory-demo-1
7:  namespace: mem-example

This feature is supported by all extensions that supports comments. Currently, KICS supports this feature for: - Dockerfile; - HCL (Terraform); - YAML;