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Dockercompose queries

DockerCompose Queries List

This page contains all queries from DockerCompose.

Query Severity Category Description Help
Volume Has Sensitive Host Directory
High Build Process Container has sensitive host directory mounted as a volume Documentation
Privileged Containers Enabled
High Resource Management Privileged containers should be used with extreme caution, they have all of the capabilities that the linux kernel offers for docker. Documentation
Shared Host Network Namespace
Medium Networking and Firewall Container should not share the host network namespace Documentation
Privileged Ports Mapped In Container
Medium Networking and Firewall Privileged ports (1 to 1023) should not be mapped. Also you should drop net_bind_service linux capability from the container unless you absolutely need to use priviledged ports. Documentation
Security Opt Not Set
Medium Resource Management Attribute 'security_opt' should be defined. Documentation
Memory Not Limited
Medium Resource Management Memory limits should be defined for each container. This prevents potential resource exhaustion by ensuring that containers consume not more than the designated amount of memory Documentation
Container Capabilities Unrestricted
Low Resource Management Some capabilities are not needed in certain (or any) containers. Make sure that you only add capabilities that your container needs. Drop unnecessary capabilities as well. Documentation
Cpus Not Limited
Low Resource Management CPU limits should be set because if the system has CPU time free, a container is guaranteed to be allocated as much CPU as it requests Documentation