CA Certificate Identifier Is Outdated
- Query id: 9f40c07e-699e-4410-8856-3ba0f2e3a2dd
- Query name: CA Certificate Identifier Is Outdated
- Platform: Terraform
- Severity: High
- Category: Encryption
- URL: Github
The certificate authority (CA) is the certificate that identifies the root CA at the top of the certificate chain. The CA certificate identifier must be one provided by Amazon RDS.
Code samples¶
Code samples with security vulnerabilities¶
Postitive test num. 1 - tf file
resource "aws_db_instance" "positive1" {
allocated_storage = 20
storage_type = "gp2"
engine = "mysql"
engine_version = "5.7"
instance_class = "db.t2.micro"
name = "mydb"
username = "foo"
password = "foobarbaz"
iam_database_authentication_enabled = true
storage_encrypted = true
ca_cert_identifier = "rds-ca-2015"
Postitive test num. 2 - tf file
module "db" {
source = "terraform-aws-modules/rds/aws"
version = "~> 3.0"
identifier = "demodb"
engine = "mysql"
engine_version = "5.7.19"
instance_class = "db.t2.large"
allocated_storage = 5
ca_cert_identifier = "rds-ca-2015"
name = "demodb"
username = "user"
password = "YourPwdShouldBeLongAndSecure!"
port = "3306"
iam_database_authentication_enabled = true
vpc_security_group_ids = ["sg-12345678"]
maintenance_window = "Mon:00:00-Mon:03:00"
backup_window = "03:00-06:00"
# Enhanced Monitoring - see example for details on how to create the role
# by yourself, in case you don't want to create it automatically
monitoring_interval = "30"
monitoring_role_name = "MyRDSMonitoringRole"
create_monitoring_role = true
tags = {
Owner = "user"
Environment = "dev"
# DB subnet group
subnet_ids = ["subnet-12345678", "subnet-87654321"]
# DB parameter group
family = "mysql5.7"
# DB option group
major_engine_version = "5.7"
# Database Deletion Protection
deletion_protection = true
parameters = [
name = "character_set_client"
value = "utf8mb4"
name = "character_set_server"
value = "utf8mb4"
options = [
option_name = "MARIADB_AUDIT_PLUGIN"
option_settings = [
value = "CONNECT"
value = "37"
Code samples without security vulnerabilities¶
Negative test num. 1 - tf file
resource "aws_db_instance" "negative1" {
allocated_storage = 20
storage_type = "gp2"
engine = "mysql"
engine_version = "5.7"
instance_class = "db.t2.micro"
name = "mydb"
username = "foo"
password = "foobarbaz"
iam_database_authentication_enabled = true
storage_encrypted = true
ca_cert_identifier = "rds-ca-2019"
Negative test num. 2 - tf file
module "db" {
source = "terraform-aws-modules/rds/aws"
version = "~> 3.0"
identifier = "demodb"
engine = "mysql"
engine_version = "5.7.19"
instance_class = "db.t2.large"
allocated_storage = 5
ca_cert_identifier = "rds-ca-2019"
name = "demodb"
username = "user"
password = "YourPwdShouldBeLongAndSecure!"
port = "3306"
iam_database_authentication_enabled = true
vpc_security_group_ids = ["sg-12345678"]
maintenance_window = "Mon:00:00-Mon:03:00"
backup_window = "03:00-06:00"
# Enhanced Monitoring - see example for details on how to create the role
# by yourself, in case you don't want to create it automatically
monitoring_interval = "30"
monitoring_role_name = "MyRDSMonitoringRole"
create_monitoring_role = true
tags = {
Owner = "user"
Environment = "dev"
# DB subnet group
subnet_ids = ["subnet-12345678", "subnet-87654321"]
# DB parameter group
family = "mysql5.7"
# DB option group
major_engine_version = "5.7"
# Database Deletion Protection
deletion_protection = true
parameters = [
name = "character_set_client"
value = "utf8mb4"
name = "character_set_server"
value = "utf8mb4"
options = [
option_name = "MARIADB_AUDIT_PLUGIN"
option_settings = [
value = "CONNECT"
value = "37"
Negative test num. 3 - tf file
resource "aws_db_instance" "negative1" {
allocated_storage = 20
storage_type = "gp2"
engine = "mysql"
engine_version = "5.7"
instance_class = "db.t2.micro"
name = "mydb"
username = "foo"
password = "foobarbaz"
iam_database_authentication_enabled = true
storage_encrypted = true
ca_cert_identifier = "rds-ca-rsa2048-g1"
Negative test num. 4 - tf file
module "db" {
source = "terraform-aws-modules/rds/aws"
version = "~> 3.0"
identifier = "demodb"
engine = "mysql"
engine_version = "5.7.19"
instance_class = "db.t2.large"
allocated_storage = 5
ca_cert_identifier = "rds-ca-rsa4096-g1"
name = "demodb"
username = "user"
password = "YourPwdShouldBeLongAndSecure!"
port = "3306"
iam_database_authentication_enabled = true
vpc_security_group_ids = ["sg-12345678"]
maintenance_window = "Mon:00:00-Mon:03:00"
backup_window = "03:00-06:00"
# Enhanced Monitoring - see example for details on how to create the role
# by yourself, in case you don't want to create it automatically
monitoring_interval = "30"
monitoring_role_name = "MyRDSMonitoringRole"
create_monitoring_role = true
tags = {
Owner = "user"
Environment = "dev"
# DB subnet group
subnet_ids = ["subnet-12345678", "subnet-87654321"]
# DB parameter group
family = "mysql5.7"
# DB option group
major_engine_version = "5.7"
# Database Deletion Protection
deletion_protection = true
parameters = [
name = "character_set_client"
value = "utf8mb4"
name = "character_set_server"
value = "utf8mb4"
options = [
option_name = "MARIADB_AUDIT_PLUGIN"
option_settings = [
value = "CONNECT"
value = "37"
Negative test num. 5 - tf file
resource "aws_db_instance" "negative1" {
allocated_storage = 20
storage_type = "gp2"
engine = "mysql"
engine_version = "5.7"
instance_class = "db.t2.micro"
name = "mydb"
username = "foo"
password = "foobarbaz"
iam_database_authentication_enabled = true
storage_encrypted = true
ca_cert_identifier = "rds-ca-ecc384-g1"