Volume Mount With OS Directory Write Permissions

  • Query id: a62a99d1-8196-432f-8f80-3c100b05d62a
  • Query name: Volume Mount With OS Directory Write Permissions
  • Platform: Terraform
  • Severity: High
  • Category: Resource Management
  • URL: Github


Containers can mount sensitive folders from the hosts, giving them potentially dangerous access to critical host configurations and binaries.

Code samples

Code samples with security vulnerabilities

Positive test num. 1 - tf file
resource "kubernetes_pod" "test" {
  metadata {
    name = "terraform-example"

  spec {
    container {
      volume_mount {
        name       = "config-volume"
        mount_path = "/bin"

      image = "nginx:1.7.9"
      name  = "example"

      env {
        name  = "environment"
        value = "test"

      port {
        container_port = 8080

      liveness_probe {
        http_get {
          path = "/nginx_status"
          port = 80

          http_header {
            name  = "X-Custom-Header"
            value = "Awesome"

        initial_delay_seconds = 3
        period_seconds        = 3

    dns_config {
      nameservers = ["", "", ""]
      searches    = ["example.com"]

      option {
        name  = "ndots"
        value = 1

      option {
        name = "use-vc"

    dns_policy = "None"
Positive test num. 2 - tf file
resource "kubernetes_pod" "test2" {
  metadata {
    name = "terraform-example"

  spec {
    container {
      volume_mount {
        name       = "config-volume"
        mount_path = "/bin"
        read_only = false

      image = "nginx:1.7.9"
      name  = "example"

      env {
        name  = "environment"
        value = "test"

      port {
        container_port = 8080

      liveness_probe {
        http_get {
          path = "/nginx_status"
          port = 80

          http_header {
            name  = "X-Custom-Header"
            value = "Awesome"

        initial_delay_seconds = 3
        period_seconds        = 3

    dns_config {
      nameservers = ["", "", ""]
      searches    = ["example.com"]

      option {
        name  = "ndots"
        value = 1

      option {
        name = "use-vc"

    dns_policy = "None"
Positive test num. 3 - tf file
resource "kubernetes_pod" "test3" {
  metadata {
    name = "terraform-example"

  spec {
    container {
      volume_mount = [
          name       = "config-volume"
          mount_path = "/bin"
          read_only = false


      image = "nginx:1.7.9"
      name  = "example"

      env {
        name  = "environment"
        value = "test"

      port {
        container_port = 8080

      liveness_probe {
        http_get {
          path = "/nginx_status"
          port = 80

          http_header {
            name  = "X-Custom-Header"
            value = "Awesome"

        initial_delay_seconds = 3
        period_seconds        = 3

    dns_config {
      nameservers = ["", "", ""]
      searches    = ["example.com"]

      option {
        name  = "ndots"
        value = 1

      option {
        name = "use-vc"

    dns_policy = "None"

Code samples without security vulnerabilities

Negative test num. 1 - tf file
resource "kubernetes_pod" "testttt" {
  metadata {
    name = "terraform-example"

  spec {
    container {
      volume_mount {
        name       = "config-volume"
        mount_path = "/etc/config"
        read_only  = true

      image = "nginx:1.7.9"
      name  = "example"

      env {
        name  = "environment"
        value = "test"

      port {
        container_port = 8080

      liveness_probe {
        http_get {
          path = "/nginx_status"
          port = 80

          http_header {
            name  = "X-Custom-Header"
            value = "Awesome"

        initial_delay_seconds = 3
        period_seconds        = 3

    dns_config {
      nameservers = ["", "", ""]
      searches    = ["example.com"]

      option {
        name  = "ndots"
        value = 1

      option {
        name = "use-vc"

    dns_policy = "None"