AmazonMQ Broker Encryption Disabled

  • Query id: 3db3f534-e3a3-487f-88c7-0a9fbf64b702
  • Query name: AmazonMQ Broker Encryption Disabled
  • Platform: Terraform
  • Severity: High
  • Category: Encryption
  • URL: Github


AmazonMQ Broker should have Encryption Options defined

Code samples

Code samples with security vulnerabilities

Positive test num. 1 - tf file
resource "aws_mq_broker" "positive1" {
  broker_name = "example"

  configuration {
    id       =
    revision = aws_mq_configuration.test.latest_revision

  engine_type        = "ActiveMQ"
  engine_version     = "5.15.9"
  host_instance_type = "mq.t2.micro"
  security_groups    = []

  user {
    username = "ExampleUser"
    password = "MindTheGap"

Code samples without security vulnerabilities

Negative test num. 1 - tf file
resource "aws_mq_broker" "negative1" {
  broker_name = "example"

  configuration {
    id       =
    revision = aws_mq_configuration.test.latest_revision

  engine_type        = "ActiveMQ"
  engine_version     = "5.15.9"
  host_instance_type = "mq.t2.micro"
  security_groups    = []

  user {
    username = "ExampleUser"
    password = "MindTheGap"

  encryption_options {
    kms_key_id = "arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:111122223333:key/1234abcd-12ab-34cd-56ef-1234567890ab"
    use_aws_owned_key = false

resource "aws_mq_broker" "negative2" {
  broker_name = "example"

  configuration {
    id       =
    revision = aws_mq_configuration.test.latest_revision

  engine_type        = "ActiveMQ"
  engine_version     = "5.15.9"
  host_instance_type = "mq.t2.micro"
  security_groups    = []

  user {
    username = "ExampleUser"
    password = "MindTheGap"

  encryption_options {