Configuration File

KICS allow you to provide all configurations either as command line arguments or as code.

Here is a Configuration file example:

  "path": "assets/iac_samples",
  "verbose": true,
  "log-file": true,
  "type": "Dockerfile,Kubernetes",
  "queries-path": "assets/queries",
  "output-path": "results.json"

The same example now in YAML format passing type as an array of strings:

path: assets/iac_samples
verbose: true
log-file: true
  - Dockerfile
  - Kubernetes
queries-path: "assets/queries"
output-path: "results.json"

📝 flags that can receive multiple values can be either provided as a comma separated string or an array as in the example above

Supported Formats

KICS supports the following formats for the configuration files.

  • JSON
  • TOML
  • YAML
  • HCL

Notice that format is about the content and not the file extension.

KICS is able to infer the format without the need of file extension.


JSON Format

  "exclude-categories": "exclude categories by providing its name",
  "exclude-paths": "exclude paths or files from scan",
  "exclude-queries": "exclude queries by providing the query ID",
  "exclude-results": "exclude results by providing a list of similarity IDs of a result",
  "log-file": true,
  "log-level": "INFO",
  "log-path": "path to the log file",
  "silent": false,
  "minimal-ui": false,
  "no-color": false,
  "no-progress": false,
  "output-path": "directory path to store reports",
  "path": "path to file or directory to scan",
  "payload-path": "file path to store source internal representation in JSON format",
  "preview-lines": 3,
  "queries-path": "path to directory with queries (default ./assets/queries) (default './assets/queries')",
  "report-formats": "formats in which the results will be exported (json, sarif, html)",
  "type": "type of queries to use in the scan",
  "verbose": true

YAML Format

exclude-categories: "exclude categories by providing its name"
exclude-paths: "exclude paths or files from scan"
exclude-queries: "exclude queries by providing the query ID"
exclude-results: "exclude results by providing a list of similarity IDs of a result"
log-file: true
log-level: INFO
log-path: path to the log file
silent: false
no-color: false
minimal-ui: false
no-progress: false
output-path: "directory path to store reports"
path: "path to file or directory to scan"
payload-path: "file path to store source internal representation in JSON format"
preview-lines: 3
queries-path: "path to directory with queries (default ./assets/queries) (default './assets/queries')"
report-formats: "formats in which the results will be exported (json, sarif, html)"
type: "type of queries to use in the scan"
verbose: true

TOML Format

exclude-categories = "exclude categories by providing its name"
exclude-paths = "exclude paths or files from scan"
exclude-queries = "exclude queries by providing the query ID"
exclude-results = "exclude results by providing a list of similarity IDs of a result"
log-file = true
log-level = "INFO"
log-path = "path to the log file"
silent = false
minimal-ui = false
no-color = false
no-progress = false
output-path = "directory path to store reports"
path = "path to file or directory to scan"
payload-path = "file path to store source internal representation in JSON format"
preview-lines = 3
queries-path = "path to directory with queries (default ./assets/queries) (default './assets/queries')"
report-formats = "formats in which the results will be exported (json, sarif, html)"
type = "type of queries to use in the scan"
verbose = true

HCL Format

"exclude-categories" = "exclude categories by providing its name"
"exclude-paths" = "exclude paths or files from scan"
"exclude-queries" = "exclude queries by providing the query ID"
"exclude-results" = "exclude results by providing a list of similarity IDs of a result"
"log-file" = true
"log-level" = "INFO"
"log-path" = "path to the log file"
"silent" = false
"minimal-ui" = false
"no-color" = false
"no-progress" = false
"output-path" = "directory path to store reports"
"path" = "path to file or directory to scan"
"payload-path" = "file path to store source internal representation in JSON format"
"preview-lines" = 3
"queries-path" = "path to directory with queries (default ./assets/queries) (default './assets/queries')"
"report-formats" = "formats in which the results will be exported (json, sarif, html)"
"type" = "type of queries to use in the scan"
"verbose" = true

How to Use

You can enclose all your configurations in a file and use it in two different ways.

Command Argument File

  1. Create a file with any name/any extension. For the sake of example, let's call it kics-config.json
  2. Add the necessary configurations as shown in the templates section in any of the supported formats.
  3. Pass the configuration file as argument:
kics scan --config kics-config.json

Configuration as Code

  1. Create a file named kics.config and place it in the root of your project repository.
  2. Add the necessary configurations as shown in the templates section in any of the supported formats.
  3. Invoke KICS without arguments (KICS will search for the specific file in the root)
kics scan

Note: CLI flags will have priority over the configuration file properties!