OpenAPI Queries List

This page contains all queries from OpenAPI.

Query Severity Category Description Help
Security Field On Operations Has An Empty Array
High Access Control Security object for operations, if defined, must define a security scheme, otherwise it should be considered an error Documentation
Global Security Field Has An Empty Array
High Access Control Security object need to have defined rules in its array and rules should be defined on securityScheme Documentation
Security Field On Operations Has An Empty Object Definition
High Access Control Security object for operations should not be empty object or has any empty object definition Documentation
Global Security Field Is Undefined
High Access Control Global security field should be defined to prevent API to have insecure paths and have this rules defined on securitySchemes Documentation
Field 'securityScheme' On Components Is Undefined
High Access Control Components' securityScheme field must have a valid scheme Documentation
Global security field has an empty object
High Access Control Global security definition must not have empty objects Documentation
No Global And Operation Security Defined
High Access Control All paths should have security scheme, if it is omitted, global security field should be defined Documentation
Implicit Flow in OAuth2
Medium Access Control There is a 'securityScheme' using implicit flow on OAuth2, which is deprecated Documentation
Invalid OAuth2 Authorization URL
Medium Access Control The field authorizationUrl on implicit or authorizationCode fields from OAuth must be a valid URL Documentation
Invalid OAuth2 Token URL
Medium Access Control OAuth2 security scheme flow requires a valid URL in the tokenUrl field Documentation
Path Server Object Uses HTTP
Medium Encryption The property 'url' in the Path Server Object should only allow 'HTTPS' protocols to ensure an encrypted connection Documentation
Global Server Object Uses HTTP
Medium Encryption Global server object URL should use 'https' protocol instead of 'http' Documentation
Success Response Code Defined for Patch Operation
Medium Networking and Firewall Patch should define at least one success response (200, 201, 202 or 204) Documentation
Success Response Code Defined for Put Operation
Medium Networking and Firewall Put should define at least one success response (200, 201, 202 or 204) Documentation
Success Response Code Defined for Delete Operation
Medium Networking and Firewall Delete should define at least one success response (200, 201, 202 or 204) Documentation
Success Response Code Defined for Post Operation
Medium Networking and Firewall Post should define at least one success response (200, 201, 202 or 204) Documentation
Undefined Scope 'securityScheme' On Global 'security' Field
Low Access Control Using an scope on global security field that is undefined on 'securityScheme' can be defined by an attacker Documentation
Undefined Scope 'securityScheme' On 'security' Field On Operations
Low Access Control Using an scope on security of operations that is undefined on 'securityScheme' can be defined by an attacker Documentation
Invalid Contact Email
Info Best Practices Contact Object Email should be a valid email Documentation
Invalid Contact URL
Info Best Practices Contact Object URL should be a valid URL Documentation
Invalid Schema External Documentation URL
Info Best Practices Schema External Documentation URL should be a valid URL Documentation
Invalid Operation External Documentation URL
Info Best Practices Operation External Documentation URL should be a valid URL Documentation
Invalid Tag External Documentation URL
Info Best Practices Tag External Documentation URL should be a valid URL Documentation
Response Object With Incorrect Ref
Info Structure and Semantics Response Object reference must always point to '#components/responses' Documentation
Servers Array Undefined
Info Structure and Semantics The Servers array should have at least one server defined. If not, the default value would be a Server Object with a URL value of '/'. Documentation
Path Parameter Not Required
Info Structure and Semantics The property 'required' determines whether the parameter is mandatory. If the parameter location is 'path', this property is required and its value must be true. Documentation
Server URL Not Absolute
Info Structure and Semantics The Server URL should be an absolute URL Documentation
Invalid Content Type For Multiple Files Upload
Info Structure and Semantics Content Type should be set to 'multipart/form-data' in case of uploading an arbitrary number of files (array) Documentation
Request Body With Incorrect Ref
Info Structure and Semantics Request Body reference must always point to '#components/RequestBodies' Documentation
Schema Discriminator Not Required
Info Structure and Semantics The discriminator property in the Schema Object should be a required property Documentation
Responses With Wrong HTTP Status Code
Info Structure and Semantics HTTP Responses status code should be in range of [200-599] Documentation
Parameter Object With Schema And Content
Info Structure and Semantics A Parameter Object must contain either a 'schema' property, or a 'content' property, but not both since they are mutually exclusive Documentation
Parameter Objects Headers With Duplicated Name
Info Structure and Semantics Parameter Objects should not have duplicate names for 'header' location, since HTTP headers are not case sensitive. Documentation
Paths Object is Empty
Info Structure and Semantics Paths object may be empty due to ACL constraints, meaning they are not exposed Documentation
Parameter Object With Undefined Type
Info Structure and Semantics A Parameter Object must contain either a 'schema' property, or a 'content' property Documentation
Parameter Object With Incorrect Ref
Info Structure and Semantics Parameter Object reference must always point to '#components/parameters' Documentation
Link Object OperationId Does Not Target Operation Object
Info Structure and Semantics Link object 'OperationId' should target an existing operation object in the OpenAPI definition Documentation